Gabby Crona continues to make strides towards her goals

Charlotte Pollack, Entertainment Editor

One year ago, Gabby Crona was getting ready for her winter and spring track seasons, competing at the varsity level, making her mark on Scotch Plains-Fanwood athletics. Crona was making the most of her high school athletic career by doing everything she could to reach her goals prior to last Spring. Now, as a junior, Gabby Crona is still working her way up, despite the ongoing pandemic. 


After the Spring 2020 season was cancelled due to the pandemic and school remained virtual, training became difficult for Crona. However, because cross country is a non-contact sport, the team was lucky enough to squeeze in summer training and a fall season. With precautions taken to ensure safety, students were able to enjoy a small sense of normalcy returning to what they love while wearing masks and social distancing. 


Crona definitely felt the effects of being quarantined and felt the mental and emotional challenges it brought. 


“Training while at home was difficult, everyone was already dealing with mental health issues and the start of the pandemic on top of motivating yourself to run was so difficult. I did not live up to the expectations that I wanted,”Crona said . “Now that school started though it has gotten much easier and all that motivation is back.”


Crona, like the rest of the team, was thrilled to get back to in person practices. She felt that it was much easier to be motivated to train with her whole crew there. Crona found she was more inspired to run when in person practices were being held. 


“Having the team there and having the coach there to keep you accountable was so much better,” Crona said .


The winter track season has been pushed back, leaving Crona yet again training on her own. Virtual practices began in January and will continue into February..


“I have been so grateful for my teammates at the end of the day. We have been so much closer with everything going on and we are always there to motivate each other,” Crona said  “So that has been a big factor throughout all of this.”


When running on her own, Crona will either start her run from her house or SPFHS, depending on the day. As she plans to run in college, she has been working very  hard to get in the best shape she can and continue to cut down her times and see upward progress. 


“It’s so difficult to not have anything to look forward to. But you will eventually have a season, so put in the work now so you can accomplish your goals later.” Crona said.