The Fanwood – Scotch Plains YMCA is now offering adulting classes to pre-teens and teens. They believe that the program is a good source of guidance. Their poster reads, “[It] can help set them up for success in their teen years and beyond”.
This year’s program lasts 4 days, one of which was January 14th — this just passed. The other 3 classes will be held from 4:15 pm to 5 pm on January 21st, January 28th, and February 4th. On day 1, the children learned basic cooking skills. On day 2, they learned spent time on financial literacy. On day 3, they learned ways to avoid stress. Lastly, on day 4, they learned basic first aid and etiquette.
Knowing how to cook a basic meal can come in handy if the situation every requires it. The class is a great way to begin independent responsibility for meal management if the child is not already doing so.
The financial literacy arrangement can be useful in making sure that this generation, Gen Z, does not fall behind like the last. According to an article by Vanessa McGrady of Forbes, millennials currently encounter issues regarding how to deal with their finances, “less than half of the 22-26-year-olds surveyed pay their own rent (47%), health insurance (41%), or contribute to a retirement account (27%).”
It is commonly believed that once you can handle your finances on your own, that is when you are truly independent because you are providing for yourself.
Manage stress can be beneficial because in the future when one is presented with an overwhelming situation one can continue to be productive.
Lastly, knowing basic first aid and etiquette is undoubtedly worthwhile.
While this does not apply to high schoolers now, it can help the younger children of our generation. Who knows, maybe high schoolers can learn from them! If you know someone that is of or between the ages 10-13, be sure to let them know. Also, if they are already an FSPY member, the program is free of cost.
Adulting Classes Courtesy of the YMCA
January 21, 2020
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