World-renowned cleaning expert Marie Kondo is decluttering homes and lives with her new Netflix series titled “Tidying up with Marie Kondo.” The show aired Jan. 1st, 2019, and features eight episodes-each with a different family, home, and focus.
The show provides Kondo’s expert advice on tidying up, as well as a necessary lesson to better organize families’ lives. Her method involves going room by room and taking everything out of its spot, so the client can see everything they own. In order to decide what items to keep and what not to keep, Kondo suggests that clients hold the item and ask themselves if it “sparks joy.” However, before throwing an item away, she encourages people to thank their items for their service.
Not only do the clients thank their object, but Kondo also expresses her gratitude for the objects that have provided so much joy in the past for them, which creates an uplifting energy for the rest of the stressful process.
Kondo suggests separating object by size and purpose, that way they are easy to find when necessary. Another tip she relies on is to fold shirts and instead of laying them flat in drawers, she recommends standing them up to see them all easily.
However, not everyone agrees with her method. Instead of finding her recognition of objects sweet and positive, people often criticize it by turning her personal process into a cultural meme.
Although some may find the Netflix special controversial, her clients are certainly grateful for tidying up their lives and providing a different look on cleaning.
Marie Kondo changes lives with her controversial cleaning method
January 29, 2019
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About the Contributor
Gabby Lancaster, Online EIC
Gabby has been on the Fanscotian for three years and is currently an Editor-in-Chief for! As a senior, Gabby really enjoys spending as much time with her friends as she can whether it’s going to the mall, hiking or grabbing food with them. She enjoys watching documentaries and other movies that she reviews.