On Jan. 8, HU New Jersey Club came to visit students at Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School. HU New Jersey Club is a conference comprised of students from HBCUs (Historically Black College/Universities) aiming to educate and implore students to consider applying to an Historically Black college.
HU New Jersey Club is made up of students who attend Howard University, Spelman College, and Lincoln University. Majors ranged from sports medicine, to journalism, to biology.
Students who attended the meeting, which lasted for two class periods, were told the significance of education for minorities and the opportunities that come with attending a HBCU other than a PWI (Predominantly White Institution). For many students of color who grow up and attend school in a predominantly white town like Scotch Plains, there is a sense of displacement or discontent due to the lack diversity.
I know the feeling. As a student of color, I am used to being the one of few minorities in a class. Speaking about social issues pertaining to African Americans warranted a lot sideway glances and furtive stares from my non-black classmates.
“HBCUs offer the same programs & majors and opportunities as PWIs. I think they’re more inclusive of students of color and make a greater effort to retain their students through pre-college programs and student services,” said Carmen Lilly-Jones , a guidance counselor at the high school. “On a personal note, for me, graduating from SP-F school district and entering an HBCU allowed for me to be more well rounded.” Lilly-Jones attended the The University of Maryland Eastern Shore. “Being motivated, by and seeing people of color on a daily basis (teachers and peers alike) allowed for me to thrive in college.”
HBCU New Jersey Club Visits SPF
January 22, 2016
Corin Bell 2014 alumnus from Scotch Plains-Fanwood High talks to current students about Howard University.
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