The annual DECA Powder Puff Football game is set to take place on Wednesday, November 26th, which is a half day. This year there will be two competitions, one between sophomores and freshmen, and one between juniors and seniors. Female students can pay 15 dollars to participate and will receive a short sleeve t-shirt that says “Powder Puff Football 2014”. The money generated will go towards the Seeing Eye Foundation. This particular foundation gives proceeds to train dogs to assist blind people. There will be concessions available for purchase as well. Sophomores and freshman will be competing right after school and start at 12:30 and the junior and seniors will start after. Unlike past years boys are no longer allowed to dress up as cheerleaders. It will take place on the top football field where spectators are encouraged to come and support with admission for one dollar. Come and attend!
DECA Powder Puff Football set to take place Wednesday, November 26th.
November 24, 2014
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