SPFHS’ State Champion “Moonglowers” Set to Perform at Spring Band Concert Wednesday

Charlotte Pollack, Feature Editor

Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School’s very own Moonglowers competed at the State Championships on April 30. They emerged from the competition on top, taking home the title of State Champions.


Moonglowers is a Jazz band which is composed of numerous students ranging from a number of grade levels. Under the direction of SPFHS band teacher, Durand Thomas, The Moonglowers took the stage performing an impressive catalog of songs. 


“It felt surreal to win states. I’ve been in this band for three years, but I kept missing the opportunity to compete at states due to the Coronavirus,” senior Evan Sena said. “To finally be able to compete and come out on top is just phenomenal.”


The band performed a total of three songs: Saint Lois Blues, Prayer Meetin’ and Samba Del Gringo.


“Winning states was probably the best moment of my life,” junior Nathan Ward said. “It was amazing to have all our hard work pay off surrounded by our family, friends and director, Mr. Thomas.”


Moonglowers provides such a great experience and community for all of the students involved. The Moonglowers have performed at a number of competitions this year as well as some beloved town events such as the Food Truck festival.


“The community in Moon is great, it is the perfect balance of laughing and having fun, but also working hard and being held responsible,” Ward said. 


With many Seniors graduating in June, the Moonglowers will continue to thrive for years to come. However, the underclassmen are left with some pretty big shoes to fill. Sena offers a piece of advice:


“For the future Moonglowers, I want you guys to know how big of a legacy this band is and to keep the same passion that has been present in this band for decades,” Sena said. 


You can see the Moonglowers perform this Wednesday, May 18, at the Spring band concert.