Is online shopping the new and improved way to shop?

February 18, 2021
During the start of the pandemic, many businesses had to be shut temporarily due to the high Covid-19 transmission rates. Do you ever stop and wonder how many businesses are still shut down or are even permanently closed due to Covid-19? While many people prefer to shop in person rather than online because of the number of cases rising ever since the start of 2020, now online shopping is making a comeback. While many people prefer to shop in person rather than online, for safety’s sake they are staying home, logging on and getting their goods delivered.
The Fanscotian interviewed Gabby Pugliese, Sara Pham and Emily Hayeck to explore how students’ shopping habits or perspectives may have changed amidst the pandemic.
“I know someone who owns a small business and their business has slowed down because of COVID-19 and their protocols with stores,” junior Sara Pham said. “They want to make sure that their customers are safe and healthy so they closed it to not take the risk.”
One question lingers: would you feel comfortable shopping in person if cases were still high or would you rather shop online and play it safe?
“I obviously think it’s better to shop online during the pandemic,” Pugliese said.
“It’s much easier and safer than going into a store where not everyone and everything could be sanitary and since we live in a country where some don’t believe in science there is a much bigger chance of getting yourself or someone else sick and it’s not worth it when you can simply do it from your home,” Hayeck said. “I think it’s better to shop online because it puts not only yourself but other people less at risk to get covid.”
Will COVID-19 die down enough for small businesses to be up and running again? Hopefully we will know soon when this settles down.