Biden’s new action brings the transgender millitary ban to an end

Charlotte Pollack

With a new administration and hopefully a fresh start, President Joe Biden has begun to put many changes into place. One in particular being an executive order which reverses former President Donald Trump’s transgender millitary ban. 


In April 2020, former President Trump created a transgender millitary ban, which stopped all people in the transgender community from being active members of the millitary. This was very disheartening to many Americans. 


As President Biden began his process of reversing many of Trump’s actions, many Americans and Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School students have found themselves relieved with this executive order being put in place.


“I’m so glad he [signed the executive order],” freshman Grace Sweeny said. “The fact Trump even banned it in the first place is heartbreaking.”


President Biden has said he believes that everyone who is qualified should be allowed to serve in the United States military. This comes as a breath of fresh air for those who are a part of the transgender community. 


“I don’t think there should be discrimination based on gender for those in any public sector includng the millitary,” junior Ava Mackenzie said. “If they meet the requirements of being in the military, they should be allowed to participate, regardless of gender identity.”