On Nov. 5th, 2019, Scotch Plains – Fanwood High School principal Dr. David Heisey informed students and staff of the pilot block schedule that will take place from Nov. 15th to Nov. 22nd. After three years of planning and visiting several schools across New Jersey, SPFHS will have these observations put to the test as they will give block scheduling a try.
For anyone who is unfamiliar with what block scheduling is, it is a common academic schedule when students will have fewer classes but have an increased time spent per day. The classes will switch. One day a student can have chemistry, English, history and math, while they can have P.E., world language, study hall, and their chosen elective on the other.
And to those who were paying no mind or were simply not here to see the informative presentation, the pilot block schedule will last for six days, beginning on Nov. 15th and ending on Nov. 22nd. On Nov. 15th, 19th, and 21st will be an “A” day, and the “B” day will be on Nov. 18th, 20th, and 22nd. On the “A” day, there are five blocks, or periods: 1-2 (Also the AM science periods), 3-4, lunch, 9-19 or 10/11, and 12-13. Meanwhile on the B-day are periods 5-6, 7-8 or 8-9, lunch, study hall, and 14-15.
Rather than 44 minutes, classes have been extended to 77-78 minutes. In the first and last period of the day will be 78 minutes, while the middle periods are 77 minutes. AP Science classes will not meet at 7:41, but they will meet at 8:08. And for people who take AP Economics, they will have the class during study hall.
Instead of the usual 25-minute lunch that separates into three different times of the school day, it will be a unit lunch, where all the students will have 46 minutes. It will be hectic due to a large number of students in the school, but they’ll also have the chance to roam the halls to eat their lunch, as long as they don’t go up to the second floor or go into the science wing. However, the main office/counseling office is an exception.
Block scheduling has its pros and cons, but it is up to the opinions of students, teachers, and administrators alike that will decide whether block scheduling is here to stay or go. With these six days, it will give students and staff a chance to experience what block scheduling is like. A survey will be released sometime after the pilot block scheduling in order to receive feedback.
Scotch Plains – Fanwood High School prepares for the pilot block scheduling
November 15, 2019

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